Exhibitor info

Welcome to Love me do wedding fair!

Before the event

Please fill out the exhibitor information form as soon as possible.
You can find the terms & conditions attached to the confirmation email.

You can freely sell any products and services fitting in the genre in the event during opening hours! So pack up your whole boutique and bring your products to be bought by excited wedding fair visitors. This is excluding any whole sale companies, for example bridal labels, no direct sales to B2C customers is allowed by B2B companies.

If any food is sold or offered for tasting the exhibitor has to make a notice of it to the correct authorities and bring a copy of it to the event. More information can be found on Helsinki city's site.

Your space

The rent price includes an exhibitor space at Merikaapelihalli, size as agreed and placement agreed together with the exhibitor, electricity and wifi, BUT NO CARPETING, FURNITURE, HEADBOARDS or DIVIDER WALLS excluding some mentioned ready build spaces and international exhibitors. Please read this info carefully. You can find more information on furnishings below .


Sharing the exhibitor space with another company

An exhibitor space can be shared with another company when requested, with a separate permission from the organizer. All companies sharing are then treated as their own clients, they will have all the same benefits, rights and marketing as any other single exhibitor. The organizer's written permission to do this is always needed. Spaces under 6m2 can not be shared. An extra cost of 85€ (+ vat) will be charged for each added, sharing company. Marketing another company in any shape or form (flyers etc) without the organizer's consent is prohibited.

A good exhibitor space

Make your space as open as possible, for the visitors to be able to step inside your space to talk, instead of standing on the busy corridor. For a quality contact and conversation with potential customers, it's always better to have them in your space, rather than on the corridor being pushed around. Set your furnitures and props in a way customers can step in. Use larger items in the back of the space, for example don't set up tables on the front near the corridor, between you and the visitors. Use all of your alloted space both depth and width wise and create a calm space for you and the possible customer to have convesations.

Please note that it is prohibited to put carpet or furniture on the border tapes, as they are removed when the spaces are ready.

Social Media

We will post about the upcoming fair on social media according to needs and resources. Due to the huge amount of exhibitors we have to select our topics according to how the post will serve the visitors. Interesting raffles, tastings, product launchs and other generally joyous tidbits will be posted on social media when ever we have room for them with our own event publications. We highly recommend you to take advantage of our facebook events created for each fair, all exhibitors can post their own event news - offers, raffles, all fun stuff - there freely.

Possible hashtags used on instagram: @lovemedofi #lovemedofi and also #suomensuurimmathäämessut  #häämessut #häätapahtuma #häät2025 #häät2026

Enrolling on the fair programs

Best Table Setting competition

There will be example inspirational tables settings on display at the event. The exhibitors can take part with their products or skills and design a table setting by themselves or with another exhibitor. Wedding fair visitors will vote their favourites and the results will be announced after the event. Competitors will have to enroll for this before hand and the participants will be chosen in order of enrollment. A fee of 60€ + vat will be charged. It is prohibited to advertise any other companies on the table (companies not exhibiting at the fair).

Size of the table is 183 x 75 cm, a tablecloth or other cover is needed. Please enroll for this competition by checking the box on the exhibitor information form or by the form below

photo: Amanda Lehtola
photo: Amanda Lehtola

Catwalk shows

Please email our catwalk producer Heidi Sjöberg heidi@lovemedo.fi to discuss taking part in the fashions shows.

photo: Arto Jaatinen
photo: Arto Jaatinen

Competitions and raffles

At the event and on social media

Companies may sponsor prizes (products or service gift cards) for competitions and raffles organized by Love me do. They will get more exposure as they are marketed along side the competition or raffle, during the event, on social media (instagram & facebook) before and after the event, and possibly in articles online at lovemedo.fi.

Ordering furnishings and carpet

All furnishings and carpet should be ordered by email myynti@lovemedo.fi with a headline: Furniture order: company name or by the exhibitor information form. Please note that after the deadlines mentioned below a 50% additional fee will be charged in all furniture orders due to time restraints.

Furniture & carpet order deadline for the Winter Fair 18.-19.1.2025: 29.12.2024

International exhibitors make an exception, their spaces have basic stand build (including building and deconstruction of said basic standbuild). Please contact myynti@lovemedo.fi if you wish to discuss your requirements.


Prices include installing and deconstruction with said elements, as ready made. Current VAT (25,5% 10/2024) will be added to all prices, unless you have an abroad VAT number.

All divider walls and frames will be delivered 220cm high, unless otherwise asked prior to deadline. Depending on the location of the space, walls and frames can be ordered also 250cm high.

Divider wall à 1m  40€
Separate feet for divider walls 5€/each (these are needed to keep stand alone walls standing, for example back walls)
Head board 70€ incl. the text or a image
Spotlight 50 wat (including railing) 40€/each
Low vitrine 110€/each
Tall vitrine 140/each
Dark grey fair carpet 10€/m2
Fitting rooms are available in different sizes, please inquire for pricing.

An aluminum frame is a great way to outline your space, hang lighting, promotional material or decorations. Here are some example prices for framing for different size spaces.

4m2 88€
5m2 96€
7,5m2 112€
9m2 120€
15m2 152€

It is also possible to frame your space with truss (gantry), please inquire for pricing.

Additional furnishing

All spaces are equipped with an electrical soccet. We recommend you bring your own extension cords.

Merikaapelihalli is lit by general fluorescent lamp lighting, which is situated at 14m high in the main hall and lower under the side areas (normal room hight). The general lighting is quite poorly, so we recommend extra lighting, in the form of spot lights or floor lamps.

For additional furnishing such as tables, chairs etc, for order, please visit our partner Pågå. You may order the items directly from them and Pågå will deliver the items to your stand. A 30€ + vat delivery fee is added by Pågå to the order.

Pågå order deadline for the Winter Fair 18.-19.1.2025: 10.1.2025

At the fair

Building day

Each exhibitor is responsible for their own building and deconstruction, decoration and cleaning after them. Please note that coming to build before the allocated time is not allowed.

Scheduled building times

Friday at 16-20 and Saturday at 8-9.

Each company will receive a number of exhibitor badges according to their space size; 2 for 4-5m2, 4 for 6-9m2 and 6 for over 10m2 spaces. Any extra badges cost 7€ + VAT/ BADGE

Access during building and deconstruction

During building the fair hall Merikaapelihalli is accessible ONLY through door M1 (Tammasaarenlaituri 6, by the water) and the loading dock M6 (Tammasaarenkatu 1). The loading dock is situated on the other side of the building. It is not allowed to drive cars inside the hall, possible off-loading will preferably happen on the street by the loading dock ramp. Exhibitors may use the loading dock for off-loading with a first come first serve principle, however it is important that the loading dock is kept as empty as possible (no parking cars there). We highly recommend off-loading and packing without driving the car on the ramp, it saves everyone's time! If you absolutely need to drive on to the ramp, be quick, empty your stuff by the inner wall, move your car and only then come take your stuff to your space.

Exhibitors can drive in the fair hall (Merikaapelihalli) during the build up on Friday morning on special permission only. This needs to be agreed with the organizer in advance, so that it doesn't interrupt any off-loading or already built structures.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ON EVENT DAYS at 08-10 THE ACCESS TO THE FAIR IN THE MORNING IS THROUGH THE M6 LOADING DOCK DOOR. During the show this door will be closed and for emergency exit only.


Kaapelitehdas has its own little parking space and there's also some roadside parking available (see Kaapelitehdas site), but we recommend using the department store parking building close by. During building and deconstruction you can leave your car close to the exits (M1 and loading dock), but only for a few minutes. When ever you park on a slot near the building, please read the parking signs carefully! The area is notorious for parking tickets and that should be considered.


The organizer has a few larger trash bins on site, but since we can use the facility's bigger trash containers in a very limited manner, each exhibitor should take any larger trash amounts with them, includind any trash coming from build up, deconstruction and cleaning after the event is over.

The old cable factory - materials and solid structures

Please make sure you are not leaving any permanent marks on walls or structures of the cable factory when decorating or hanging your own structures, same goes for the rented furniture and structures. We kindly but firmly remind you, that the black curtains of the cable hall are to be kept OPEN at all times. Closing of the curtains is prohibited on the window spaces as well as between the columns, because the space should be kept as well lit as possible during daylight hours, also the airconditioning will work better with the curtains open.

The principles of a well thought, functioning exhibitor space

Make your space as open as possible, for the visitors to be able to step inside your space to talk, instead of standing on the busy corridor. For a quality contact and conversation with potential customers, it's always better to have them in your space, rather than on the corridor being pushed around. Set your furnitures and props in a way customers can step in. Use larger items in the back of the space, for example don't set up tables on the front near the corridor, between you and the visitors. Use all of your alloted space both depth and width wise and create a calm space for you and the possible customer to have convesations.

Please note that it is prohibited to put carpet or furniture on the border tapes, as they are removed when the spaces are ready.

photo: Arto Jaatinen
photo: Arto Jaatinen

During the event

Opening venue doors for exhibitors
Saturday at 08:00.

Coffee will be served for exhibitors in the downstairs exhibitor lounge in the Kaapelitehdas basement, entrance through C stairway, in the middle of the fair hall, under the overhang with windows.

Repository space for any exhibitor property during event: Kaapelitehdas has a very limited amount of room for any extra stuff that needs to be stored somewhere during the event. For this reason, all pallets and transportation containers must be taken away or camouflaged as part of the exhibition during the show. Exhibitors may leave their coats and personal belongings to the exhibitor break room downstairs, but please note that the room is small and unguarded. Unfortunately, we can not store exhibitor coats at the general cloak room for visitors.


There will be a number of security officers at the event required by authorities. The organizer has a general liability insurance for the duration of the event, but it does not cover any damages to exhibitor property unrelated to the organizer's actions. Each exhibitor is responsible for insuring their own property as they see fit. During a two day event (in January) an electronic alarm system will be set on during the night between event days. Exhibitors can leave their products on their stands during the night at their own risk.


directly after the event is closed for visitors

Attention! Please note that it is not allowed to start deconstruction before the fair is closed for visitors at. Breaking this rule will result in a 500€ fine from the organizer.

In case some of exhibitors have pallets or bigger items delivered by a transportation company, and they can be retrieved no sooner than Monday, please confirm this with the organizer in advance. No exhibitor property is allowed to be left at the site after deconstruction on Saturday/Sunday, excluding pre-agreed pick ups that are scheduled on Monday (by a transportation company).

Most important matter

This is a fun event. We encourage all of you to step out of your studios and workrooms, showcase your amazing products and expertise and have a good time doing it. Love me do is about meeting new people, having fun with old friends, showing your stuff to new excited customers. Selling while having fun. Networking and planting seeds for great new collaborations.
Being part of the great big celebration industry family.
Ohh the fun we're gonna have!

We all of you,
Love me do Crew

Use the banners!

You can find promotional banners for exhibitors to use on social media prior to the show here. Exhibitors may use these banners freely to promote their participation to Love me do wedding fair. Please select the correct size picture for each forum, so that the quality of the picture doesn't suffer.

Here are some social media hastags you may wish to use: @lovemedofi #lovemedofi #suomensuurimmathäämessut #häämessut #häätapahtuma #häät

Something on your mind?

Send us a message Please note that during the fair week we are very busy and there are some delays to responses.

Suomen suurimmilla hää- ja juhlamessuilla riittää nähtävää, koettavaa ja shoppailtavaa, sekä inspiraatiota jokaiseen makuun. Messut ovat auki lauantaina 18.1. klo 10-17 ja sunnuntaina 19.1. klo 10-16. Tule mukaan häähumuun!

Voit lukea vinkkimme täysipainoiseen häämessukokemukseen täältä.

Tervetuloa Suomen suurimmille hää- ja juhlamessuille! Helsingin Kaapelitehtaalla on luvassa mahtava kattaus hää- ja juhla-alan yrityksiä ja edustuksia sekä huikeaa häähuumaa Love me do:n tyyliin.

Lippuja voi ostaa ennakkoon Biletti.fi:n lippukaupasta, tai sivustomme etusivun bannerin kautta. Lippuja myydään myös koko tapahtuman ajan ovelta!

Nauti häämessuista kaikilla aisteilla ja ota haltuun muutama messuvinkki mahdollisimman hyvän häämessukokemuksen saavuttamiseksi!