Exhibitor info

Kuvat Eveliina Visuals
Kuvat Eveliina Visuals

Upcoming shows at Kaapelitehdas 
Love me do Autumn Fair 4.10.2025 & Winter Fair 17.-18.1.2026

All information on participating the show can be found by subject clicking the link ↑

Important dates:

Upcoming shows 4.10.2025 & 17.-18.1.2026

Autumn Fair 2025 signing up for the fashion shows by 1.9.2025.
Autumn Fair 2025 ordering stand build by 
Autumn Fair 2025 ordering furnitures from Pågå by 


Please fill out the exhibitor information form as soon as possible.
Filling out the form ensures we have for example your company's correct marketing name and the correct primary contact person.

✨ Book a table for the table setting competition! Read more and fill out the form below. Limited amount of tables available.

Table setting competition

There will be inspirational table settings on display at the event. Exhibitors can take part with their products or skills and design a table setting by themselves or with another exhibitor. Wedding fair visitors will vote their favourites and the results will be announced after the event. Competitors enroll to this competition in advance and participants will be chosen in order of enrollment.

Exhibitors are solely responsible for setting the table, only thing provided by the organizer is the table itself. Participants may bring petite chairs to complement the table setting if they so wish. Table settings can be produced by one company or by two companies together.

You may not advertise any other company not officially participating at the table without organizers consent. For example you may have your partner company's flowers at the table but you may not mention this company at the table without prior agreement with the organizer.

Participating to the table setting competition costs the event's exhibitors 60€ + vat. If the exhibitor wishes to partner with an outside company (not exhibiting) to produce the table setting, an added 100€ + vat will be added and the total participation cost comes to 160€ + vat.
Participating without exhibiting at the event costs 190€ + vat. Two companies producing the table setting together as non-exhibitors costs 250€ + vat.

Event exhibitors have right if way on booking the tables.
Participating fee includes a table, spotlight and framing of the area, competitor is also named in event prints and on social media after the show.

Size of the table is 183 x 75 cm, a tablecloth or other cover is needed. Please enroll for this competition by filling out the form below.

photo: Amanda Lehtola
photo: Amanda Lehtola

Most importantly

This is a fun event. We encourage all of you to step out of your studios and workrooms, showcase your amazing products and expertise and have a good time doing it. Love me do is about meeting new people, having fun with old friends, showing your talent to new excited customers. Selling while having fun. Networking and planting seeds for great new collaborations.
Being part of the great big celebration industry family.
Ohh the fun we're gonna have!

We all of you,
Love me do Crew

Something on your mind?

Send us a message Please note that during the show week we are very busy and there may be some delays in responding.

photo: Arto Jaatinen
photo: Arto Jaatinen

Subscribe to our love letter to stay informed about upcoming shows, other events and opportunities, all the options and offers we have for you b2b customers.
Newsletter is only in Finnish.

Suomen suurimmilla hää- ja juhlamessuilla riittää nähtävää, koettavaa ja shoppailtavaa, sekä inspiraatiota jokaiseen makuun. Messut ovat auki lauantaina 18.1. klo 10-17 ja sunnuntaina 19.1. klo 10-16. Tule mukaan häähumuun!

Voit lukea vinkkimme täysipainoiseen häämessukokemukseen täältä.

Tervetuloa Suomen suurimmille hää- ja juhlamessuille! Helsingin Kaapelitehtaalla on luvassa mahtava kattaus hää- ja juhla-alan yrityksiä ja edustuksia sekä huikeaa häähuumaa Love me do:n tyyliin.

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